• 2024-01-21
  • Super 10

SMU Inaugurates First Super 10 in the Valparaíso Region

The Valparaíso Region was chosen as the location for SMU's first opening of 2024, the parent company of Unimarc, Alvi, Mayorista 10, and Super 10. This is a Super 10 that opened its doors in Limache, complementing the range of products and brands at convenient prices for its neighbors.

The new store in Limache is located at Arturo Prat 200, covering 936 square meters and employing 42 people.

"The design of this Super 10 is aimed at providing customers with the best shopping experience and ensuring they choose us again. Here, they will find everything they need, highlighting exclusive brands and always guaranteeing quality at the best price," says Nicolás Delsol, Super 10 manager.

Super 10 stores are classified as "soft discount" formats. In other words, they offer products at convenient prices and target consumers as the final customer, with a sales floor experience designed for a quick and comfortable shopping process. Their stores have checkout counters designed for speedy payment and shelves of maximum 1.65 meters displaying all the products in stock. Additionally, the processes are designed to simplify tasks for employees, allowing significant energy savings through efficient refrigeration and lighting equipment.

To date, SMU has opened eight Super 10 stores throughout Chile. The store in Limache is the second one outside Santiago, following one in the O'Higgins Region. Meanwhile, in Santiago, there are six, including the recent openings in Renca and Quilicura in December 2023. It is expected that in the rest of 2024, three more openings and five conversions will be finalized, closing the year with 16 locations of SMU's soft discount format.

The openings are part of an ambitious three-year growth plan that SMU is carrying out for the period 2023-2025, involving an investment of US$300 million. The goal is to open 58 new stores, 43 of them in Chile and another 15 in Peru.

The company's strategy includes the Valparaíso region among its main focuses. Likewise, from the Super 10 format, they ensure that "we want to put our efforts into expanding the brand and opening new stores, as it is an area full of opportunities to bring our offers closer to Chilean families," concluded Delsol.